XR experiences with Apple Vision Pro and Unity

The world of augmented reality (XR) is about to undergo an exciting transformation with the introduction of Apple Vision Pro. This groundbreaking technology, combined with the powerful Unity development platform, opens up countless possibilities for immersive and interactive experiences. As an experienced creative agency with deep expertise in the use of Unity, we are ready to harness these new technologies to develop stunning XR applications. Discover how our experience and innovation are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and shaping the future of XR development.

Consulting and strategy
Interaction concept & UI/UX
AR & VR development
Content & Visualization
Services: Innovative Augmented Reality (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR) Technologien eröffnen völlig neue Dimensionen der digitalen Erfahrung.
Services: Innovative Augmented Reality (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR) Technologien eröffnen völlig neue Dimensionen der digitalen Erfahrung.

Apple Vision Pro and Unity: The future of XR development

With the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro, Apple has taken a significant step into the world of augmented reality (XR). The combination of powerful hardware and advanced software opens up new possibilities for developers and users. Particularly noteworthy is the role of Unity as the central development platform for visionOS, the operating system of the Apple Vision Pro. As a creative agency with extensive experience in using Unity as a development platform, we are ideally positioned to make the most of these new technologies and create groundbreaking XR experiences.

Unity: One platform for all visions

Unity has established itself as the leading development platform for XR applications in recent years. With support for visionOS, the software becomes even more important for developers who want to create immersive and interactive experiences for the Apple Vision Pro. Our creative agency makes the most of Unity and Apple Vision Pro hardware to develop innovative and immersive XR experiences that take full advantage of this new technology.

Virtuelle Benutzeroberflächen, die von Händen in einer XR-Umgebung gesteuert werden, symbolisieren die interaktiven und immersiven Anwendungen, die mit Apple Vision Pro und Unity entwickelt werden. Unsere Kreativagentur nutzt die leistungsstarke Hardware und Software, um nahtlose und realistische XR-Erlebnisse zu schaffen, die die Möglichkeiten dieser fortschrittlichen Technologien voll ausschöpfen.

Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionary hardware meets advanced software

The Apple Vision Pro is characterized by its impressive hardware, which is specially optimized for XR applications. High-resolution displays, advanced sensors and powerful processors ensure a seamless and realistic display of virtual content. In combination with visionOS and the support of Unity, we as a creative agency can create impressive XR experiences. With our in-depth experience in using the software, we take full advantage of the advanced features of Apple Vision Pro and develop customized solutions for your needs.

Die Synergie von Apple Vision Pro und Unity

The tight integration of Unity and visionOS provides a powerful combination to turn visions into reality. Unity’s extensive library of tools and resources, combined with the specific features of visionOS, allows us to create highly customized and optimized XR applications. As a creative agency experienced in working with Unity, we use this synergy to improve the quality of applications and to speed up and simplify development.
