How extended reality is changing the world of work: Insights and applications

The world of work is undergoing dynamic change thanks to extended reality (XR). Umami Creative, as an experienced creative agency, is driving this development, especially in the areas of trade fairs and gaming. With our expertise in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), we create unique worlds of experience. Our innovative solutions offer advanced training methods and enrich trade fairs with interactive exhibitions. In the gaming world, we open up new dimensions of the gaming experience through realistic simulations that promote productivity and creativity in equal measure.

Ein Ingenieur in einem Techniklabor trägt ein XR-Headset und verwendet Controller, um eine virtuelle Darstellung eines Roboters zu manipulieren, was die Anwendung von Extended Reality für Design und Simulation zeigt.

Revolution in the industry: Umami shapes the future with customized XR and real-time 3D solutions

Extended reality is playing an increasingly important role in industry. It makes it possible to simulate and visualize complex processes and machines in a virtual environment. This opens up a wide range of possibilities, from improving production processes to optimizing maintenance and training processes. As the creative agency Umami, we specialize in developing tailor-made XR solutions for industrial companies. With our expertise in real-time 3D software, we create realistic and interactive applications that increase both efficiency and safety in the workplace. Our solutions provide an immersive experience that enables employees to better understand complex operations and train effectively without taking real risks. By combining XR technology and real-time 3D software, we at Umami create innovative tools that help industrial companies stay competitive in an increasingly digitalized world

Zwei Ingenieure stehen in einem dunklen Raum und interagieren mit einer 3D-Darstellung einer Windfarm, die durch Extended Reality (XR) Technologie visualisiert wird. Sie betrachten und diskutieren die Daten auf einem Tablet, das die Information in Echtzeit mit der holographischen Darstellung synchronisiert.

Increased efficiency and error reduction

XR technologies make it possible to realistically represent complex machines and production processes in a virtual environment. This allows employees to train and optimize processes without using real production resources or taking risks. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency and a reduction in errors in real processes.

Arbeiter nutzt Extended Reality (XR)-Technologie zur Schulung in der Industrie

Improved training and education

By using VR and AR in training programs, industrial companies can train their employees more effectively. Complicated processes and machine operations can be simulated in a safe, controlled environment, making it easier to understand and handle complex systems. This leads to better trained employees and greater occupational safety.

Ingenieur mit VR-Headset arbeitet an einer virtuellen Maschinenkomponente in einer industriellen Umgebung.

Maintenance and remote support

XR applications enable technicians to visualize maintenance work virtually and receive instructions in real time. Augmented reality can be used, for example, to display repair instructions directly in the technician’s field of vision. This not only makes maintenance work easier, but also enables efficient remote support, which saves time and money.

Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR Extended Reality XR

Umami revolutionizes learning in industry and trade with tailor-made XR and real-time 3D technology

In the industrial and skilled trades sector, the use of extended reality opens up revolutionary possibilities in the field of learning and training. Technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) make it possible to create realistic training scenarios in which employees can learn and practice complex skills in a safe, risk-free environment. With Umami’s expertise in real-time 3D software and XR, we develop customized learning solutions that are tailored to the specific requirements and processes of industrial and trade companies. Our interactive training applications provide an immersive experience that not only improves understanding of complicated processes, but also promotes practical implementation. This leads to more efficient training, reduces the training time of new employees and increases the quality of work execution. By combining advanced XR solutions with detailed 3D visualization, we help companies optimize their training and learning processes and prepare for the challenges of the digital future.

Ingenieur verwendet Extended Reality (XR)-Technologie für industrielle Anwendungen

Realistic training experience

XR makes it possible to realistically simulate work environments and processes. This gives learners the opportunity to train complex machine operations, maintenance work or manual skills in a safe, virtual environment. Such realistic exercises can significantly improve understanding and competence in dealing with real-life situations.

Ein Ingenieur trägt eine VR-Brille und interagiert mit virtuellen Elementen auf einer Baustelle, um erweiterte Realität (XR) in der Industrie zu demonstrieren.

Risk minimization and cost efficiency

By using VR and AR technologies in training programmes, errors and accidents in the real working environment can be minimized. This not only reduces the risk of injuries and material damage, but also saves costs, as expensive machines and materials do not actually have to be used for training purposes.

Wissenschaftler nutzen Extended Reality (XR) Technologien, um ein holographisches Gehirnmodell zu studieren.

Flexible and scalable learning environments

XR technologies make it possible to quickly adapt and expand learning content. Companies can simulate specific scenarios and challenges that are directly tailored to their individual needs. This enables flexible and scalable training that adapts to the ever-changing requirements of industry and trade.

Menschen, die bei einer virtuellen Realität Veranstaltung XR-Technologie nutzen und fortschrittliche Extended Reality Lösungen erleben.

Umami redesigns trade fairs and events with customized XR and real-time 3D experiences

The use of extended reality at trade fairs and events offers a unique opportunity to engage and inspire visitors in an innovative way. At Umami, we use XR technologies to create immersive and interactive experiences that go far beyond traditional presentation formats. Our expertise in real-time 3D software enables us to develop customized virtual and augmented realities that bring products, services or concepts to life in a whole new dimension. From virtual product demonstrations that allow visitors to experience products in a realistic environment to AR applications that overlay additional information and interactive elements into the real environment, we create unique experiences that convey brand messages and intensify visitor engagement. Our XR solutions at trade fairs and events are not just a means of presentation, but become a central element of the experience that has a lasting positive impact on the perception of a brand or product.

Menschen mit VR-Headsets bei einer Veranstaltung, die Extended Reality (XR) erleben.

Increased visitor interaction and engagement

XR and real-time 3D create immersive, interactive experiences that engage visitors on a deeper level. Such immersive experiences can not only hold visitors‘ attention for longer, but also encourage greater emotional engagement with the product or brand being presented.

Personen mit VR-Headsets erleben Extended Reality (XR) auf einer Veranstaltung

Differentiation from competitors

By using XR and real-time 3D, exhibitors can set themselves apart from the competition. These technologies offer innovative ways to present products and services that go beyond traditional methods and thus leave an unforgettable impression on trade fair visitors.

Mann nutzt Extended Reality (XR)-Headset, um in einer futuristischen Umgebung mit virtuellen Kollegen zu interagieren.

Presentation of complex products and services

XR and Realtime 3D are ideal for demonstrating complex products or services in an understandable and appealing way. They make it possible to show products in action, demonstrate functions and visualize technical details in a way that would be difficult to convey using conventional means.

Further areas of application for digital twins

Extended Reality XR: XR wird für medizinische Schulungen, Therapieunterstützung und die Planung von komplexen Operationen genutzt.

XR is used for medical training, therapy support and the planning of complex operations.

Extended Reality XR: XR ermöglicht virtuelle Reisen, virtuelle Hotelbesichtigungen und immersive Reiseerlebnisse.
Tourism and travel

XR enables virtual travel, virtual hotel tours and immersive travel experiences.

Extended Reality XR: In der Immobilienbranche wird XR für virtuelle Hausbesichtigungen und die Präsentation von Bauprojekten verwendet.
Real estate

In the real estate industry, XR is used for virtual house tours and the presentation of construction projects.

Extended Reality XR: XR unterstützt das Design, die Schulung von Mechanikern und den Verkauf von Fahrzeugen durch virtuelle Probefahrten.
Automotive industry

XR supports the design, training of mechanics and the sale of vehicles through virtual test drives.

Extended Reality XR: XR bietet neue Möglichkeiten für immersive Videospiele, VR-Filme und AR-Anwendungen.

XR offers new possibilities for immersive video games, VR films and AR applications.

Extended Reality XR: Architekten verwenden XR zur Visualisierung von Bauprojekten und zur Verbesserung der Planung.
Architecture and construction

Architects use XR to visualize construction projects and improve planning.

Extended Reality XR: Neben Schulungen wird XR in der Bildung für virtuelle Exkursionen, interaktive Lernmaterialien und STEM-Unterricht eingesetzt.

In addition to training courses, XR is used in education for virtual excursions, interactive learning materials and STEM lessons.

Extended Reality XR: XR inspiriert Künstler und ermöglicht immersives Kunstschaffen sowie virtuelle Museumsbesuche.
Art and culture

XR inspires artists and enables immersive art creation and virtual museum visits.

Everything you need to know: Frequently asked questions about Extended Reality

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