Webseries: Layer-by-layer - our path from pixel to product

Chapter 1:The idea - origin and vision

Today we would like to take you on a journey with us: We are Umami Creative GmbH, a creative agency from Fürth that places great value on creativity and sustainability. Our aim is to develop solutions that are not only functional, aesthetic and well thought-out, but are also easy to use and meet the highest quality standards.

Our team is full of vigour and creativity. Each and every one of us is prepared to go the extra mile – and have a lot of fun in the process. In the office, the foosball table is more than just a piece of furniture. It is the centrepiece of our daily relaxation and the centre of our in-house foosball league, which is meticulously tracked via a league app and competed for the monthly victory. There is a passionate fight for victory and fun is always at the forefront – unless the boss loses.

Modernes UX/UI Design nach dem Website Relaunch.

FragZEBRA is a special project that is close to our hearts. We have created a platform against hate and hate speech on the internet for the NRW state media authority. FragZEBRA not only offers advice on digital topics, but also actively promotes respectful coexistence on the Internet. It is an outstanding example of how technology can bring about positive social change. Not forgetting our interactive games, which we developed last year for SME and corporate customers. These games make complex products easy to understand and bring them closer to users in an entertaining way.

After the successful projects in which we had already demonstrated our strengths, we wanted to achieve even more. The by-product of these projects was not only experience, but also a number of hardware devices, including six FDM printers, three DLP printers, a laser cutter and a film cutter. We didn’t want these devices to remain unused, but to pool our strengths and develop them further in the interests of sustainability. This drive gave rise to various ideas, including an online shop for 3D-printed and, above all, sustainable products.

But how are they compatible? 3D printing and sustainability – do they go together? At first glance, 3D printing seems to involve a lot of plastic, but that’s only half the truth. Although modern 3D printers can process plastics such as PETG (polyethylene terephthalate + glycol) and PP (polypropylene), our focus is on PLA (polylactide). PLA is made from renewable raw materials such as corn starch and is 100% biodegradable. Furthermore, we do not keep any products in stock, but manufacture each item individually and to order. With this strategy, we want to consciously set ourselves apart from cheap mass production and contribute to reducing throwaway behaviour through personalisation. This serves to combine innovative technology with environmentally friendly practices to offer products that are not only functionally appealing but also sustainably responsible.

German saying ‘Butter with the fish’
But let’s get straight to the point, why are we venturing into this new territory? We not only want to create innovative solutions, but also to fully understand our customers’ perspectives. By creating our own products from scratch, we put ourselves in the shoes of our customers and directly experience the challenges they face on a daily basis. This change of perspective is essential for us to not only empathise with our customers, but also to respond effectively to their needs. By facing the challenges of product development, marketing and sales ourselves, we sharpen our understanding of the complex requirements that our customers face. This deeper insight enables us to offer even more customised, creative solutions that not only inspire, but also lead to sustainable success.
In the following chapters of our web series ‘Layer-by-Layer: Our journey from pixel to product’, we take you on the journey of the creation of this exciting project. Join us on our journey, where creativity and technology go hand in hand and we always keep our sustainable philosophy in mind. Stay tuned, because it never gets boring with us – it gets creative, sustainable and definitely a little crazy.